
A bold, much-needed guide for Ashtanga yoga practice, useful for all levels and illustrated with 250 photos. This offers an updated, more accessible view of the traditional series, adapting it to serve a wider range of practitioners.


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Accessible Ashtanga is a book that I never expected to see in my lifetime. It’s a testament to the power of the yoga teachings to continue to expand like waves in the ocean and reach every shore, touching the lives of people of all abilities all over the world. After all, yoga’s fundamental teaching is that we all share the same heart, so how can we practice the fullness of yoga without recognizing that it needs to be adapted to reach everyone? I applaud Kino MacGregor’s bravery for jumping into the ocean of accessibility and throwing us a lifeline. Her insights are simultaneously new and traditional, which is a balance that only a masterful teacher can find. The call to share yoga with all is not a simple one—especially for teachers of specific yoga traditions. As Kino explains, ‘When the rules stop working for you, it’s time to either change or break the rules. The ability to adapt the series and poses to better fit a diversity of students is the hallmark of this special moment we are in right now

—Jivana Heyman, author of The Teacher’s Guide to Accessible Yoga

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Thank you, Kino, for providing a valuable resource for both Ashtanga enthusiasts of all levels as well as lovers of yoga from other disciplines to feel welcome and encouraged to pursue their unique path and personal expression of practice. With a multitude of photos, clear instructions, inspiring quotes, and philosophical insights, your presentation is a welcome contribution to the rich heritage of yoga.

—David Swenson, author of Ashtanga Yoga

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The Accessible Ashtanga is a must-read for students brand new to yoga, as well as long time practitioners. It reveals the deep therapeutic and contemplative potential of the Ashtanga Vinyasa practice, where breath, feelings, emotions, and all thought patterns are treated as interwoven and sacred. Kino’s direct and clear teachings put Ashtanga within reach for anyone wanting to experience the joys and benefits of a personal practice that supports daily life.”

—Richard Freeman and Mary Taylor, authors of When Love Comes to Light

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In Accessible Ashtanga, Kino MacGregor tackles a task many might think of as impossible: sharing the primary series in a way that connects to more bodies and experiences while preserving the depth of the practice. She provides solid foundations, and then she gives us many variations and options for practice. While there is never going to be one definitive way to create accessibility, Kino gives us many different options and provides us with clear, informative examples to deepen our understanding and practice. I’m thrilled that in Accessible Ashtanga we have a guidebook for how to practice and teach the primary series in a more accessible, heartfelt, and connected way

—Susanna Barkataki, author of Embrace Yoga’s Roots

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Accessible Ashtanga is a book everyone will benefit from—a thought-provoking, revolutionary, and innovative approach to the Ashtanga practice. While still maintaining her firm belief in the tradition, Kino MacGregor challenges the popular discourse of modern yoga, which correlates physical ability with spiritual progress. Instead, Kino offers practical techniques, creative advice, and invaluable wisdom with which to create and foster a more inclusive space for all!”

—David Robson and Jelena Vesić, yoga teachers

Kino MacGregor

Accessible Ashtanga

An All-Levels Guide to the Primary and Intermediate Series

Start reading Kino’s new book now!

Accessible Ashtanga Book Photo