Definition of a Yogi By Kino MacGregor
What does it mean to be a yogi? I ask myself this question over and over again. Is it about commitment to the practice? Well yes, but it doesn’t stop there. The decision to be a yogi only begins with the asana practice. The challenging poses of yoga are meant to be a foundation for a feeler spiritual journey. If being a yogi stops with the poses then it’s just exercise. To be a yogi requires a whole moral and ethical transformation from the inside out.
Every practice has a lesson and every pose has something for you to learn. But you have to look for it. As a student you get what you put into the practice. You have to yearn for a deep and true inner connection. Your heart has to be willing to grow, break and rebuild stronger.
In the midst of the struggle of each pose it’s easy to get caught up in your physical progress. But yoga is a physical discipline with a spiritual intention. The intention with which you practice is key to integrating the deeper lessons of the yogic path. I’ve always been interested in translating the lessons learned on the yoga mat into everyday life. I have always wanted to make the wisdom of yoga accessible to everyone, no matter how advanced their physical practice is. And now, with my new book, The Yogi Assignment, I’m so happy to present the distillation of so many of the key lessons of the spiritual journey of yoga.
You’ll find 30 days of yoga life lessons spanning from surrender to authenticity. Each day is lesson rooted both in foundational yogic texts and my own personal experience over the last 20 years of practice. Every assignment begins with a discussion of the topic and ends with three reflection points to help you apply the lesson in your life and three poses that embody the essential wisdom of the day’s lesson. Designed to be read one day at a time and applied over the course of your life, my hope is that you’ll feel a shift in your life when you work through the book.