by Kino MacGregor It is not the physicality of hatha yoga that transforms, but the state of presence cultivated by a conscious effort to heal the body and train the mind that heals. It is actually higher awareness itself that brings about great changes in practitioners’ experience of reality. One of the biggest challenges along…
Read Moreby Kino MacGregor Yoga shows you the way and the spiritual community of friends and teachers illuminate the path, but you must take every step of the journey. The miracle you pray for is that you unroll your mat every day you can and get the courage to be a better person at the end…
Read MoreYoga purifies the mind and body by asking you to develop deep self-knowledge. When you unify with the deepest part of yourself an incontrovertible understanding of not only your own life, but all life takes root. The highlights along the path of yoga are epiphany moments where your higher self is revealed to you in…
Read Moreby Kino MacGregor The process of seeing an inspired idea all the way through to full fruition in reality requires great mental fortitude. The spiritual practice of yoga harnesses the power of the mind and gives you access to its true inner power. Yoga essentially amplifies the power of the mind and increases its capacity…
Read MoreA yoga posture demonstrated by a master level practitioner is often the epitome of grace and ease. Yet when the novice student attempts to mirror these same movements the degree of difficulty is immediately evident. The real test of a yoga practitioner comes when the path ahead is laid out clearly and the student choose…
Read MoreThe spark of interest in yoga often ignites an inner obsession that infiltrates every aspect of your life. At first yoga is life and you cannot get enough of it. Yoga reconnects you to long forgotten inner realms and you somehow fall in love with yoga. Yet if your yoga practice evolves into a daily,…
Read MoreA Guru is a person whose very presence imparts truth and awakening in the disciple. When I traveled to Mysore for the first time at the age of 22 I asked K. Pattabhi Jois where I could find the illusive state of inner peace that all yoga practice seeks to instill. Known as KPJ to…
Read Moreby Kino MacGregor If you’re looking for a sense of ease, grace and effortlessness in your practice, the key lies in finding a sense of spaciousness in your mind. There is a way to practice and to be with your body to create the kind of neurological and structural foundations for a complete sense of…
Read Moreby Kino MacGregor Yoga inspires us, moves us beyond our normal boundaries, and asks us to dedicate ourselves in new ways. Even if you are just beginning your yoga experience, you already know the unmistakable peace left in your body after an amazing session. If you are lucky enough to have a regular yoga practice…
Read Moreby Kino MacGregor It’s easy to seem peaceful in the quiet cave of your own mind. It’s much harder to face the test of integrating your learning with your life. No matter how peacefully you might leave your daily meditation or yoga practice, there is nothing like a seemingly callous or thoughtless comment from a…
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